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Author(s): Bronec, Jakub
Date: 2019
Author(s): Gawron, Edyta
Date: 2013
Abstract: The tradition of Jewish studies in Poland has been drastically interrupted by the Second World War and the Holocaust. In the immediate postwar period the process of re-establishing research on Jewish history and heritage was undertaken by the Jewish Historical Commissions and later Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw. More examples of the individual and group initiatives can be traced only in the 1970s and 1980s. The real happened in the late 1980s with Kraków as one of the first and main centers of revitalized Jewish studies in Poland. The first postwar academic institution in Krakow specializing in Jewish studies – Research Center for Jewish History and Culture in Poland – was established already in 1986 in the Jagiellonian University in Kraków. More than a decade later, in 2000, it was transformed into the first Poland’s Department of Jewish Studies (Katedra Judaistyki) – now the Institute of Jewish Studies. Nowadays there are more similar programs and institutions – at the universities in Warsaw, Wrocław and Lublin (UMCS). Also other academic centers tend to have at least individual scholars, programs, classes or projects focusing on widely understood “Jewish topics.” Jewish studies in Poland, along with the revival of Jewish culture, reflect the contemporary Polish attitude to the Jewish heritage, and their scale and intensity remains unique in the European context. The growing interest in Jewish studies in Poland can be seen as a sign of respect for the role of Jewish Poles in the country’s history, and as an attempt to recreate the missing Jewish part of Poland through research, education and commemoration, accompanied by slow but promising revival of Jewish life in Poland.
Author(s): Salner, Peter
Date: 2015
Editor(s): Blobaum, Robert
Date: 2005
Author(s): Heitlinger, Alena
Date: 2011
Abstract: When traumatic historical events and transformations coincide with one’s entry into young adulthood, the personal and historical significance of life-course transitions interact and intensify. In this volume, Alena Heitlinger examines identity formation among a generation of Czech and Slovak Jews who grew up under communism, coming of age during the de-Stalinization period of 1962-1968. Heitlinger’s main focus is on the differences and similarities within and between generations, and on the changing historical and political circumstances of state socialism/communism that have shaped an individual’s consciousness and identity—as a Jew, assimilated Czech, Slovak, Czechoslovak and, where relevant, as an émigré or an immigrant. The book addresses a larger set of questions about the formation of Jewish identity in the midst of political upheavals, secularization, assimilation, and modernity: Who is a Jew? How is Jewish identity defined? How does Jewish identity change based on different historical contexts? How is Jewish identity transmitted from one generation to the next? What do the Czech and Slovak cases tell us about similar experiences in other former communist countries, or in established liberal democracies? Heitlinger explores the official and unofficial transmission of Holocaust remembering (and non-remembering), the role of Jewish youth groups, attitudes toward Israel and Zionism, and the impact of the collapse of communism. This volume is rich in both statistical and archival data and in its analysis of historical, institutional, and social factors. Heitlinger’s wide-ranging approach shows how history, generational, and individual biography intertwine in the formation of ethnic identity and its ambiguities.
Date: 2011
Date: 2008
Abstract: Głównym tematem analiz i rozważań są tu wzajemne negatywne stereotypy – Polaków na temat Żydów i Żydów na temat Polaków. Książka przedstawia skomplikowane i bolesne uwarunkowania historyczne, ale też pokazuje pozytywne zmiany zachodzące w relacjach polsko-żydowskich w ostatnich latach. Opierając się na rzetelnych badaniach, autorzy pokazują, że dialog i przezwyciężanie trudnej przeszłości są możliwe.


Zbigniew Nosowski
Przedmowa do wydania polskiego

Eli Zborowski
Przedmowa do wydania amerykańskiego

Robert Cherry, Annamaria Orla-Bukowska
Słowo od redaktorów książki

Robert Cherry, Annamaria Orla-Bukowska
Na przekór negatywnym stereotypom.
Postępowanie Polaków podczas wojny a Polska współczesna


Thaddeus Radzilowski
Antypolskie stereotypy

Mieczysław B. Biskupski
Polska i Polacy w filmowym obrazie Holokaustu

Lawrence Baron
Kino w krzyżowym ogniu polemiki polsko-żydowskiej:
Korczak Wajdy i Pianista Polańskiego

Shana Penn
Prasa amerykańska na temat roli Polski w Holokauście

Robert Cherry
Mierzenie antypolskich uprzedzeń u nauczycieli uczących o Holokauście


Guy Billauer
Stosunki polsko-żydowskie w Ameryce

Havi Dreyfuss (Ben-Sasson)
Stosunki polsko-żydowskie w dobie Zagłady: zmiana żydowskiego punktu widzenia

Helene Sinnreich
Polska i żydowska historiografia stosunków polsko-żydowskich
podczas drugiej wojny światowej

John T. Pawlikowski OSM
Holokaust: nieustanne wyzwanie dla stosunków polsko-żydowskich

Antony Polonsky
Relacje polsko-żydowskie od roku 1984: refleksje uczestnika


Rabin Michael Schudrich
Stosunki polsko-żydowskie w Polsce.
Skąd przychodzimy i dokąd zmierzamy?

Stanisław Krajewski
Ewolucja stosunków katolicko-żydowskich w Polsce po 1989 roku

Joanna Beata Michlic
Czy antysemityzm w dzisiejszej Polsce ma jakieś znaczenie – i dla kogo?

Natalia Aleksiun
Odpowiedź polskich historyków na Jedwabne

Carolyn Slutsky
Marsz Żywych: konfrontacja z antypolskimi stereotypami

Annamaria Orla-Bukowska
Goje w żydowskim interesie.
Wkład etnicznych Polaków w życie polskich Żydów
Date: 2007
Abstract: Since Polish Catholics embraced some anti-Jewish notions and actions prior to WWII, many intertwined the Nazi death camps in Poland with Polish anti-Semitism. As a result, more so than local non-Jewish population in other Nazi-occupied countries, Polish Catholics were considered active collaborators in the destruction of European Jewry. Through the presentation of these negative images in Holocaust literature, documentaries, and teaching, these stereotypes have been sustained and infect attitudes toward contemporary Poland, impacting on Jewish youth trips there from Israel and the United States. This book focuses on the role of Holocaust-related material in perpetuating anti-Polish images and describes organizational efforts to combat them. Without minimizing contemporary Polish anti-Semitism, it also presents more positive material on contemporary Polish-American organizations and Jewish life in Poland. To our knowledge this will be the first book to document systematically the anti-Polish images in Holocaust material, to describe ongoing efforts to combat these negative stereotypes, and to emphasize the positive role of the Polish Catholic community in the resurgence of Jewish life in Poland. Thus, this book will present new information that will be of value to Holocaust Studies and the 100,000 annual foreign visitors to the German death camps in Poland.


Part 1 Foreward
Part 2 Preface
Part 3 Introduction: Confronting Negative Stereotypes: Polish Behavior in Wartime and Contemporary Poland
Part 4 Anti-Polish Stereotypes
Chapter 5 Introduction: Anti-Polish Stereotypes
Chapter 6 Poland and the Poles in the Cinematic Portrayal of the Holocaust
Chapter 7 Cinema in the Crossfire of Jewish-Polish Polemics: Wajda's Korczak and Polanski's The Pianist
Chapter 8 American Press Coverage of Poland's Role in the Holocaust
Chapter 9 Measuring Anti-Polish Biases Among Holocaust Teachers
Part 10 Contextual Understanding and Dialogue
Chapter 11 Introduction: Polish-Jewish Relations in America
Chapter 12 Polish-Jewish Relations during the Holocaust: A Changing Jewish Viewpoint
Chapter 13 Polish and Jewish Historiography of Jewish-Polish Relations during World War II
Chapter 14 The Holocaust: A Continuing Challenge for Polish-Jewish Relations
Chapter 15 Polish-Jewish Relations since 1984: Reflections of a Participant
Part 16 Contemporary Poland
Chapter 17 Introduction: Polish-Jewish Relations in Poland: Where Have We Come From and Where Are We Headed?
Chapter 18 The Evolution of Catholic-Jewish Relations after 1989
Chapter 19 Antisemitism in Contemporary Poland: Does It Matter? And For Whom Does It Matter?
Chapter 20 Polish Historians Respond to Jedwabne
Chapter 21 March of the Living: Confronting Anti-Polish Stereotypes
Chapter 22 Gentiles Doing Jewish Stuff: The Contributions of Polish Non-Jews to Polish Jewish Life
Editor(s): Lappin, Eleonore
Date: 2002
Abstract: Jüdische Gemeinden sind mehr als religiöse Gemeinschaften, sie stellen das jüdische Kollektiv in einzelnen Ländern und Orten dar. Das Erscheinungsbild dieser Kollektive wird einerseits durch ihre Umwelt, andererseits durch innerjüdische Entwicklungen bestimmt. Die in diesem Band ersammelten Essays zeigen, daß die Juden durch Emanzipation, Akkulturation und Säkularisierung zum integralen Bestandteil ihrer Umwelt wurden, was zu neuen Formen religiösen, kulturellen und politischen Lebens geführt hat.

Ariel Muzicant (S. 11–13), 150 Jahre Wiener Kultusgemeinde
Eleonore Lappin (S. 15–20), Vorwort der Herausgeberin

I. Das Erbe der Habsburger Monarchie

Lois C. Dubin (S. 23–42), The Jews of Trieste: Between Mitteleuropa and Mittelmeer, 1719–1939
Mykola Kuschnir (S. 43–52), Czernowitz – Stadt ohne Juden? Das Bukowiner Judentum zwischen Mythos und Realität
Juraj Sedivy (S. 53–62), Im Schatten der großen Geschichte? – Die heutige Gemeinde in Pressburg/Bratislava
Géza Komoróczy (S. 63–101), Israeliten / Juden in ihrer Gemeinde. Juden in der ungarischen Gesellschaft der Nachkriegszeit, 1945–2000
II. Israelitische Kultusgemeinden in Österreich

Marsha L. Rozenblit (S. 105–130), From Habsburg Jews to Austrian Jews: The Jews of Vienna, 1918–1938
Evelyn Adunka (S. 131–137), Die Wiener jüdische Gemeinde
Michael John (S. 139–178), Gebrochene Kontinuität – Die Kultusgemeinde Linz nach 1945
Helga Embacher, Albert Lichtblau (S. 179–198), Die Jüdische Gemeinde in Salzburg seit 1867 – Ein Neubeginn nach 369 Jahren Verbannung
Niko Hofinger (S. 199–210), Eine kleine Gemeinde zwischen Erinnerung und jüdischem Alltag: Die Israelitische Kultusgemeinde für Tirol und Vorarlberg in Innsbruck nach 1945
Dieter A. Binder (S. 211–241), Jüdische Steiermark - Steirisches Judentum
III. Juden auf Wanderschaft

Haim Avni (S. 245–265), „Insular Jewish Communal Life:“ Russian Jews in Argentina and German Jews in Bolivia
Edna Brocke (S. 267–281), Jüdisches Leben in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Michel Abitbol (S. 283–294), From an „Israelite“ Identity to a „Jewish“ Identity and Back – French Jewry Forty Years After the Jewish Immigration from North Africa
Mira Katzburg-Yungman (S. 295–319), The New Synagogue in the New World
Renate Meissner (S. 32–345), „Auf den Schwingen des Adlers“­ Von Jemen nach Zion
Sergio DellaPergola (S. 347-364), World Jewish Population at the Dawn of the 21st Century: Trends, Prospects and Implications
AutorInnen (S. 365–357)
Date: 2002
Editor(s): Michman, Dan
Date: 2002
Abstract: Ten authors from five countries present a variety of fresh analyses of the strategies Germans have adopted in coping with the Nazi past. Through historical, sociological, educational, and cultural approaches the unresolved tensions existing in German society – between the will to be accepted as an integral part of western civilization and to put the Nazi chapter in general and the Holocaust in particular behind, on the one hand, and an awareness of responsibility combined with recurring, sometimes sudden, manifestations of long-term results and implications of the past, on the other – are analyzed. Through its multifaceted approach, this book contributes to a better understanding of present-day German society and of Germany’s delicate relationships with both the United States and Israel.

Contents: Dan Michman: Introduction – Jeffrey Herf: The Holocaust and the Competition of Memories in Germany, 1945-1999 – Gilad Margalit: Divided Memory? Expressions of a United German Memory – Y. Michal Bodemann: The Uncanny Clatter: The Holocaust in Germany before Its Mass Commemoration – Inge Marszolek: Memory and Amnesia: A Comment on the Lectures by Gilad Margalit and Michal Bodemann – Chris Lorenz: Border-crossings: Some Reflections on the Role of German Historians in Recent Public Debates on Nazi History – Dan Diner: The Irreconcilability of an Event: Integrating the Holocaust into the Narrative of the Century – Michael Brenner: The Changing Role of the Holocaust in the German-Jewish Public Voice – Shlomo Shafir: Constantly Disturbing the German Conscience: The Impact of American Jewry – Yehuda Ben-Avner: Ambivalent Cooperation: The German-Israeli Joint Committee on Schoolbooks – Yfaat Weiss: The Vague Echoes of German Discourse in Israel.
Editor(s): Brenner, Michael
Date: 2012