Парадокс межэтнических контактов: практика обращения неевреев в синагогу (по полевым материалам)
Translated Title
The paradox of interethnic contacts: non-Jews taking part in synagogal practices (based on fieldwork materials)
Publication Name
Publication Date
The close relationship between Eastern European Jews and non-Jewish Slavs influenced the religious practices and beliefs of both nations. One example of this is the practice of the Slavic people visiting the synagogue and Jewish cemetery in Chernovitz as well as the attitude of the Jewish population to this. The article is based on field material recorded between 2004–2009.
Main Topic: Culture and Heritage Oral History and Biography Anthropology Folklore Synagogues Jewish - Non - Jewish Relations Jewish Heritage
Geographic Coverage
Original Language
PDF, Парадокс межэтнических контактов: практика обращения неевреев в синагогу (по полевым материалам)
PDF (via academia.edu), Парадокс межэтнических контактов: практика обращения неевреев в синагогу (по полевым материалам)
PDF (via academia.edu), Парадокс межэтнических контактов: практика обращения неевреев в синагогу (по полевым материалам)
Bibliographic Information
Парадокс межэтнических контактов: практика обращения неевреев в синагогу (по полевым материалам). 2009: https://archive.jpr.org.uk/object-ukr48