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Jewish Education and Formation in Glasgow: A Case Study


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This article explores the formational provision within a faith community when faith schooling ends at the primary stage. A case study, part of a larger multi‐faith study, examined the Jewish community in the greater Glasgow area—a small, and shrinking, community with a long history of relatively peaceful integration but increasingly pressurised by secularisation, assimilation and emigration. There is a well‐attended Jewish primary school, but no secondary school. A range of approaches to youth formation and education for children of secondary age has evolved—approaches linked to a variety of conceptions of Jewish identity. The aim, ultimately, is to include all Jewish children, no matter how they construct their Jewish identity, in the community. 



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Jewish Education and Formation in Glasgow: A Case Study

Bibliographic Information

McKinney, Stephen Jewish Education and Formation in Glasgow: A Case Study. Journal of Beliefs and Values. 2004: 31–41.  https://archive.jpr.org.uk/object-uk95