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Secular or religious? The outlook of London's Jews


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This study focuses on a new theoretical concept: outlook. It is based on a single question in JPR’s 2002 survey of the Jewish community of London and the South East, in which nearly 3,000 respondents were asked to choose between four options: Religious, Somewhat Religious, Somewhat Secular and Secular. It presupposes that there are differences along a continuum between people who consider themselves to be religious Jews and those who see themselves as secular Jews who are all, nonetheless, united in their claim to be members of a Jewish collective. The working hypothesis here is that outlook will affect an individual’s propensity to believe in particular ideas, belong to particular institutions and behave in particular ways.



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BJPA Record


Bibliographic Information

Graham, David Secular or religious? The outlook of London's Jews. Institute for Jewish Policy Research. 2003:  https://archive.jpr.org.uk/object-uk144