Changing the Landscape: Pluralist Jewish Education in the UK
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The ways in which the Jewish community in the UK has met the challenge of living in a pluralist society, as well as within a pluralist Jewish community, are addressed in this chapter as the changing pattern of Jewish education is explored. The development of a Jewish schooling system in the UK has reflected social, political and historical situations spanning five centuries. These developments have occurred in response to shifting perspectives within the main religious denominations in the mainstream Jewish community, as well as in response to educational, cultural and demographic changes in the UK in general, all of which impacted in different ways on Jewish schooling. Defining pluralism in the context of Jewish schools is complex and this chapter looks at what pluralism means both within a school and in the school's relationship with the wider community. In this paper the terms cross-communal and community are used in addition to the term pluralist, both by the institutions themselves in their self definition and by authors of explorations of pluralism in practice.
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Bibliographic Information
Changing the Landscape: Pluralist Jewish Education in the UK. . 2012: 63-82.