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Building a Political Firewall Against the Assault on Israel’s Legitimacy: London as a Case Study

Publication Date

November 2010



The purpose of this document is to catalyze a systemic approach in London. Meeting 
the challenge of Israel's delegitimization requires a loosely coordinated and orchestrated 
response, sometimes even taking a personal or non-public form. Therefore, all parties 
will have to leave their comfort zones: Israel will have to let Jewish communities lead 
the counter-attack in places, such as London, that require nuance and cultural 
sensitivity; and Jewish institutions will have to allow for innovative thinking, new tools,
and aggressive experimentation that usually takes place outside of the established 
community. All parties will have to come to terms with the idea that it takes 'all 
instruments in the orchestra' to win this fight. Importantly, critics from the political left, 
because they represent liberal values, are also an invaluable voice in delegitimizing 
Israel's delegitimization, notwithstanding their common criticism of the Jewish 
community's traditional institutions and the policies of the State of Israel.  



Geographic Coverage

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Bibliographic Information

Building a Political Firewall Against the Assault on Israel’s Legitimacy: London as a Case Study. Reut Institute. November 2010:  https://archive.jpr.org.uk/object-uk102