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“If You Build it They Will Come”: Recreating an Historic Jewish District in Post–Communist Kraków


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As Poland completes the privatization of its economy and attracts increasing foreign investment, a district such as the Kazimierz section of Krakow faces a new dilemma–how best to regulate new construction and renovations in order to preserve its historic character. The largest intact and unrestored former-Jewish quarter in Europe, the area has considerable international significance, and particularly now as foreign Jews visit Poland in increasing numbers searching for the remains of pre-war Jewish life while Christian and Jewish Poles seek some way to restore the past, to undo the ravages of Nazi occupation and forty years of communism.



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“If You Build it They Will Come”: Recreating an Historic Jewish District in Post–Communist Kraków

Bibliographic Information

Kugelmass, Jack, Orla–Bukowska, Annamaria “If You Build it They Will Come”: Recreating an Historic Jewish District in Post–Communist Kraków. City and Society. 1998: 315–353.  https://archive.jpr.org.uk/object-pol46