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Moldova: The Holocaust as Political Pawn. The Awkward Treatment of Jewish Heritage


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Moldova is having a hard time in finding an appropriate way to acknowledge
the Jewish heritage of Bessarabia, Bukovina, and Transnistria. It is
even more difficult to enshrine the remembrance of the victims of the
Shoah in the country’s collective memory, as an analysis of school books
shows. Commemoration of the Holocaust has become a political pawn in
a dispute over history and the politics of identity. Politicians and historians
are arguing over “Moldovanism” and “Romanianism”. Behind this is a
struggle over Moldova’s political orientation. Reviving Jewish community
life seems easier than working through the past and remembrance.



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Link to article including link to pdf, Moldova: The Holocaust as Political Pawn. The Awkward Treatment of Jewish Heritage

Bibliographic Information

Dumitru, Diana Moldova: The Holocaust as Political Pawn. The Awkward Treatment of Jewish Heritage. Osteuropa. 2008: 301-310.  https://archive.jpr.org.uk/object-mol11