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Report From Lithuania


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The author explains the situation of the Lithuanian Jewish community, situating it in its historical and geopolitical context. The tiny remaining community (5,500) constitutes 0.2% of the population of Lithuania, has a 41% rate of intermarriage, and 56% of their children are born into families of mixed-origin. Only 42% of them identify themselves as Jewish. To what extent Jews might disappear in Lithuania and how quickly that could occur depends on the current and future Jewish identity of children from mixed marriages, and the focus of the author's research is the role of Jewish women in the promotion of children's Jewish identity in the mixed family.



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Bibliographic Information

Nikiforova, Basia Report From Lithuania. Jewish Women 2000: Conference Papers from the HRIJW International Scholarly Exchanges 1997-1998. Hadassah Research Institute on Jewish Women. 1999: 117-122.  https://archive.jpr.org.uk/object-ltu4