About the Jewish Renaissance in Post-1989 Hungary
In her article "About the Jewish Renaissance in Post-1989 Hungary" Kata Zsófia Vincze
presents perspectives in order to address the following questions: what are the reasons for braking
with the Jewish traditions and why did half a century later young Jews return to Hungary? What kind
of new conflicts generate this newly found ethnicity? Vincze suggests that the ethnic renaissance of
Hungarian Jewry produced the born again Jews (not only in religious terms), who no longer hide their
ethnic origin, but choose to emphasize them by selecting "typical" ethnic characteristics in which they
express their rediscovered ethnicity. Being openly Jewish many times means the building of new
communities, participation in identity building, learning about forgotten history, the relearning of
language, participation in online and offline political and cultural debates, and also engaging oneself
in specific conflicts between minorities and the majority, and or between the different cultures.
presents perspectives in order to address the following questions: what are the reasons for braking
with the Jewish traditions and why did half a century later young Jews return to Hungary? What kind
of new conflicts generate this newly found ethnicity? Vincze suggests that the ethnic renaissance of
Hungarian Jewry produced the born again Jews (not only in religious terms), who no longer hide their
ethnic origin, but choose to emphasize them by selecting "typical" ethnic characteristics in which they
express their rediscovered ethnicity. Being openly Jewish many times means the building of new
communities, participation in identity building, learning about forgotten history, the relearning of
language, participation in online and offline political and cultural debates, and also engaging oneself
in specific conflicts between minorities and the majority, and or between the different cultures.
Jewish Revival Jewish Renewal Ethnicity Jewish Identity Main Topic: Identity and Community Post-1989
Pre-publication version courtesy of the author
Abstract courtesy of author