Performing the Jewish body in contemporary Germany
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The dissertation explores the work of Tanya Ury and Esther Dischereit as political interventional, contemporary, Jewish art in Germany. Ury and Dischereit analyze the power relationships surrounding the body, femininity, and expressions of Jewishness in contemporary Germany. The dissertation focuses on the nature of their artistic work - such as video art performances, sound installations, and radio plays- in its relation to, and impact on the public discourse about history, memory, and a culturally diverse society in contemporary Germany. Performance and Body Art comment in the strategies of `re-embodiment' and `re-enactment', illustrate the historical facts from a contemporary perspective, and urge us to reconsider the transmissions of memory. Ury and Dischereit offer experimental spaces of experience, and succeed in preserving Jewish knowledge and art. The work by Ury and Dischereit unfolds a vital political function, as it creates and fosters a creative critical resistance.
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Link to download in university repository, Performing the Jewish body in contemporary Germany
Bibliographic Information
Performing the Jewish body in contemporary Germany. . 2013:
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