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Mediation at the Holocaust Memorial in Berlin


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Mediation at the Holocaust Memorial in Berlin offers a novel approach to thememorial and its study through the focus on performances. Based on extensiveethnographic research, and drawing on dramaturgic theory, memory studies andtheories of the public sphere, the book offers a fresh theorization of memorialexperience by analyzing interaction between guides, memorial workers and visitors.Moving away from models of postmemory and post trauma approaches, the bookrecognizes the precariousness and variation of memory work done at the memorialthrough the ways visitors engages with the act of remembrance rather than with itsobject, namely the history of Jewish persecution and the Holocaust. This engagementexplores how visitors present and perform their 'moral career' at the site, whosecodes have been shaped by knowledge about and visits in this and other sites of Holocaust remembrance



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Bibliographic Information

Dekel, Irit Mediation at the Holocaust Memorial in Berlin. Palgrave Macmillan. 2013:  https://archive.jpr.org.uk/object-ger268