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Between Three Worlds Host, Homeland, and Global Media in the Lives of Russian Immigrant Families in Israel and Germany


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This study investigated various roles played by host, homeland, and global media in the lives of immigrant families from the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS, former USSR) to Israel and Germany, as well as the place of different media in family conflicts, consolidation, and parenting strategies. The study was based on focus group interviews with 60 families of Russian-speaking immigrants in Israel and Germany and 73 semistructured, in-depth interviews with immigrant youngsters. The findings of this study demonstrate that the mass media fulfill diverse roles for immigrant families, assisting them face two main relocation challenges: integration “inward” (i.e., cultural transmission and family consolidation) and “outward” integration into their new surroundings.



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PDF (via academia.edu), Between Three Worlds Host, Homeland, and Global Media in the Lives of Russian Immigrant Families in Israel and Germany
Between Three Worlds Host, Homeland, and Global Media in the Lives of Russian Immigrant Families in Israel and Germany

Bibliographic Information

Elias, Nelly, Lemish, Dafna Between Three Worlds Host, Homeland, and Global Media in the Lives of Russian Immigrant Families in Israel and Germany. Journal of Family Issues. 2011:  https://archive.jpr.org.uk/10.1177/0192513X11400837