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Jewish Dating or Niche-making? A Topographical Representation of Youth Culture


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In this article I am approaching the topic of Jewish dating among the young Russian-speaking Jews who live in Berlin. Using the analytical concept of space and applying grounded theory, I am presenting data I collected in 2010 using the methods of ethnographic interviews and participant observation. The article is organised around three main questions. Firstly, I am interested in the motivation of my interviewees, who are generally children of inter-ethnic and inter-religious couples, to find a solely Jewish partner. Secondly, I am asking for existing strategies applied within a relatively small Jewish community of around thirty to fifty thousand in Berlin in order to find a Jewish partner. Thirdly, I am looking for the concrete spaces and places used or constructed for the purpose of finding a Jewish girlfriend or boyfriend. Beside these empirical results, I am introducing the theoretical idea of Jewish niches, which is discussed against the background of 'Jewish space' as promulgated by Diana Pinto.



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Jewish Dating or Niche-making? A Topographical Representation of Youth Culture

Bibliographic Information

Gromova, Alina Jewish Dating or Niche-making? A Topographical Representation of Youth Culture. Anthropological Journal of European Cultures. 2014: 11-25.  https://archive.jpr.org.uk/object-ger18