Spiritual Potential of the Communal Revival: Yiddish Culture and Post-Soviet Jewry
Publication Date
Spring 2002
Even though Yiddish as a spoken language will most likely disappear in the former Soviet Union, it will still be needed as a symbol of Jewish identity – one that is not overtly Zionist or religious. Yiddish, with its rich culture and literature, can be utilized to help Jews reconnect with their roots. In Israel, older immigrants, whose knowledge of Yiddish is not fluent, and who are unable to master Hebrew, employ Yiddish in order to communicate. Zionist Yiddishism has become one of the ideological components in the identity of immigrants from the former USSR, and enables them to link up with some form of Jewish culture as they integrate into the life of Israel.
Geographic Coverage
Former Soviet Union (FSU) Russia Russia/FSU: Birobidzhan Russia/FSU: Moscow Ukraine Moldova Estonia Latvia Lithuania Belarus
Copyright Holder
Original Language
Bibliographic Information
Spiritual Potential of the Communal Revival: Yiddish Culture and Post-Soviet Jewry. Spring 2002: https://archive.jpr.org.uk/object-fsu51