Introduction: Urban coexistence: Perspectives on Jews and Muslims in the social fabric of Europe
Publication Name
Publication Date
Special Issue (SI) “Jewish and Muslim Communities in European Urban Spaces: A Comparative Approach” aims to examine and expound upon the discernible emergence of newly articulated relationships between Jews and Muslims within varied geographical and socio-cultural frameworks across Europe. In pursuit of a more profound comprehension of the current situation, alongside an exploration of nascent trends and prospective developments, this issue is committed to empirical research delving into the significance of the interwoven Jewish-Muslim experience and its impact on the multicultural environment of Europe.
Geographic Coverage
Original Language
Off and on stage interactions: Muslim-Jewish encounter in urban Europe (Part of same special issue)
Berlin and Brandenburg as “laboratories” of Jewish-Muslim encounter (Part of same special issue)
Politicization of the Jewish and Muslim minorities in Poland (Part of same special issue)
Berlin and Brandenburg as “laboratories” of Jewish-Muslim encounter (Part of same special issue)
Politicization of the Jewish and Muslim minorities in Poland (Part of same special issue)
Link to article (paywalled), Introduction: Urban coexistence: Perspectives on Jews and Muslims in the social fabric of Europe
Bibliographic Information
Introduction: Urban coexistence: Perspectives on Jews and Muslims in the social fabric of Europe. 2024: