In hiding? Multifaceted reactions of German Jews to the threat of antisemitism
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The paper investigates reactions of Jews to the perceived risk of antisemitic incidents in Germany by using a mixed-methods design. First, findings from qualitative interviews with 21 German Jews are presented: They perceive Jewishness as a stigmatized identity which ‘spoils’ everyday interactions, often simply because it is linked to the ‘weight’ of German history. We derive two analytical types of reaction to perceptions of stigmatization: defensive efforts to hide one’s Jewish identity and intervening engagement to actively combat antisemitism. In the second part of the paper, we report the findings of a quantitative survey of 295 Jews living in Germany to answer the question who choses which type of reaction. Especially the characteristics of the area where Jews live and the specifics of their Jewish identity are important correlates for explaining variance in their reactions.
Antisemitism Jewish Identity Jewish Perceptions of Antisemitism Interviews Main Topic: Antisemitism Surveys
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Bibliographic Information
In hiding? Multifaceted reactions of German Jews to the threat of antisemitism. 2024: