Nine Folds Make a Paper Jew: The Representation, Identity and Legacy of Irish Jews as Reflected in the Popular Media
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This paper expands on my presentation 'Jews in the News', examining news items on Irish Jews during the years 2016-17. This was a particularly newsworthy period for Irish Jews on three counts: the publication of two new Irish Jewish-themed literary works; the Kevin Myers controversy; and the release of the census 2016 data analysis, which revealed an unexpected level of growth in the Irish Jewish population. My article investigates how each of these strands represents reflections on the past, present and future of the Irish Jewish community, and queries why Irish Jews should be such a steady source of fascination to commentators and journalists in Ireland and further afield.
This paper expands on my presentation 'Jews in the News', examining news items on Irish Jews during the years 2016-17. This was a particularly newsworthy period for Irish Jews on three counts: the publication of two new Irish Jewish-themed literary works; the Kevin Myers controversy; and the release of the census 2016 data analysis, which revealed an unexpected level of growth in the Irish Jewish population. My article investigates how each of these strands represents reflections on the past, present and future of the Irish Jewish community, and queries why Irish Jews should be such a steady source of fascination to commentators and journalists in Ireland and further afield.
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Bibliographic Information
Nine Folds Make a Paper Jew: The Representation, Identity and Legacy of Irish Jews as Reflected in the Popular Media. . 2023: 231-262.