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Looking Back at Holocaust Remembrance in Bosnia and Herzegovina


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The Holocaust was, or rather was not, remembered in former Yugoslavia until recently, although the Second World War victims were commemorated in various ways.It appears that the Holocaust as a concept and consequently its remembrance hardly exist-ed in the life of Bosnia and Herzegovina (and Yugoslavia) from the time after the Second World War until early 1990s. Yet it seems it was not recognized for quite a while through-out the world either. According to Subotić, “What we today refer to as ‘the Holocaust’ did not exist as a concept or a marker in global collective memory prior to the early 1960s.”1The Holocaust is definitely a part of history, yet it should not be confined to history only. The pertinent question is how to remember it, how to commemorate the tragedy of one people without dwelling too much on the graphic horrors of it. Maybe the emphasis should be on the sorts of phenomena irrational hatred can give rise to and on the explicit warnings to guard against them



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Link to article (paywalled), Looking Back at Holocaust Remembrance in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bibliographic Information

Levinger-Goy, Jasna Looking Back at Holocaust Remembrance in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Journal of Contemporary Antisemitism. 2023:  https://archive.jpr.org.uk/10.26613/jca/6.1.131