Student Opinions on the Escalation of Violence in Israel and Gaza and Antisemitism at German Universities
Publication Date
March 2024
Publication Place
After Hamas’s attack on Israel and the subsequent military response, the number of antisemitic incidents in Germany has risen significantly – including at universities, according to many reports.
The media report on anti-Israeli sentiments, and Jewish students are threatened and attacked. Funded
by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), the Research Group on Higher Education
at the University of Konstanz conducted a survey among students in December 2023 to assess the
current climate of opinion on the war in Israel and the Gaza Strip, the willingness to protest in Germany, the perception of antisemitism in society and at universities and, finally, antisemitic attitudes
among students. Over 2,000 students enrolled at German universities in the winter semester 2023/24
took part. The findings can be compared with the results of a population survey conducted at the same
The media report on anti-Israeli sentiments, and Jewish students are threatened and attacked. Funded
by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), the Research Group on Higher Education
at the University of Konstanz conducted a survey among students in December 2023 to assess the
current climate of opinion on the war in Israel and the Gaza Strip, the willingness to protest in Germany, the perception of antisemitism in society and at universities and, finally, antisemitic attitudes
among students. Over 2,000 students enrolled at German universities in the winter semester 2023/24
took part. The findings can be compared with the results of a population survey conducted at the same
Antisemitism Attitudes to Israel Attitudes to Jews Israel Criticism Main Topic: Antisemitism October 7 2023 attacks + aftermath Surveys
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Bibliographic Information
Student Opinions on the Escalation of Violence in Israel and Gaza and Antisemitism at German Universities. . March 2024: