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The Memory of the Return of Slovak Holocaust Survivors


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The Memory of the Return of Slovak Holocaust Survivors in Jewish and Non-Jewish Testimonies The study deals with the memories of Holocaust survivors and eye-witnesses based on oral history projects that were conducted in Slovakia. It focuses on the return of Holocaust survivors back home and examines the imagery used by survivors and Gentile witnesses to describe this process. The study highlights the diversity of people’s memories due to the differing perspectives of the Jewish and non-Jewish eye-witnesses of this historical period. The author juxtaposes the results of the analyses of testimonies of the post-war situation and the contact and relationships between Jews and non-Jews with the context of present-day memory-related policies in the Slovak Republic.



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PDF (via academia.edu), The Memory of the Return of Slovak Holocaust Survivors

Bibliographic Information

Vrzgulová, Monika The Memory of the Return of Slovak Holocaust Survivors. Judaica Bohemiae. 2018: 53–76.  https://archive.jpr.org.uk/object-3225