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Memories of the Holocaust: Slovak bystanders


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This study focuses on the way witnesses of historical events communicate their past experiences – how and what they choose to recall. By acknowledging the role of subjectivity in the recollections, it represents an addition to the existing body of predominantly historical works on the Holocaust in Slovakia. The study recognizes that subjectivity is present on the microlevel of every society and thus influences how witnesses remember historical events. Narratives analyzed within this study also suggest the diversity of memory and recollection – a factor which needs to be appreciated in further research of life under both authoritarian and totalitarian regimes. It is this diversity that allows us to go beyond stereotypical interpretations of the past and the role of actors – be it “victims,” “perpetrators,” or “bystanders” – in historical processes.



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Link to article (paywalled), Memories of the Holocaust: Slovak bystanders

Bibliographic Information

Vrzgulová, Monika Memories of the Holocaust: Slovak bystanders. Holocaust Studies: A Journal of Culture and History. 2017: 99-111.  https://archive.jpr.org.uk/10.1080/17504902.2016.1209841