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The Role of Institutional Capacity for the Holocaust Remembrance: the Bulgarian Case


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The article examines the concept of memory policies in different perspectives. A central category of
analysis is Holocaust remembrance policies and the role of the institutional approach for achieving
sustainable results and developing values in the social environment. The reasons for the deficits in
the memory of the Holocaust, the periodization in the stories about the Holocaust in Bulgaria and
the importance of the factors of the political environment for the dynamics in the interpretations of
the past are analyzed. The importance of reflection on the historical past, and in particular that of
the Holocaust is considered in regard to the social and generational transfer of memory and



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Link to article including link to pdf, The Role of Institutional Capacity for the Holocaust Remembrance: the Bulgarian Case

Bibliographic Information

Taneva, Albena The Role of Institutional Capacity for the Holocaust Remembrance: the Bulgarian Case. Public Policy.bg. 2021: 32-50.  https://archive.jpr.org.uk/object-2663