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Using New Technological Tools to Teach Hebrew as a Second Language in the FSU


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The rapid development of technology in the last decade fosters renewed thinking about how it can be harnessed for educational projects in general and for teaching the Hebrew language in particular. The use of technological tools for teaching Hebrew abroad is especially significant. In the former Soviet Union (FSU) countries Hebrew is studied in various frameworks, among them universities, Ulpans (intensive Hebrew language programs) and other adult education courses, Jewish day schools and Sunday schools. This paper will present several projects which use technological tools that contribute to their effectiveness and without which some projects would not be possible.



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Agranovsky, Vera, Zaslavsky, Rina, Maryanchik, Evgueny Using New Technological Tools to Teach Hebrew as a Second Language in the FSU. Adult Education in Israel. 2014: 144-159.  https://archive.jpr.org.uk/object-2634