Jewish-Muslim relations in Amsterdam: Cooperation and tension in times of turmoil
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In European societies, where majority populations often call the position of minorities into question, discussion of diversity in the public arena often becomes tense. Tension also occurs between minorities and can affect the day to day lives of many, so it is vital to understand where it comes from as well as to know how to solve these problems. My study contributes insights into the dynamics between minorities and between minorities and majorities in contemporary societies by studying relations between Jews and Muslims in Amsterdam. It deepens our understanding of the underlying mechanisms that structure Jewish-Muslim relations, describes their strategies in regard to these structures and broadens our view on their relations with each other. It aims to add insights into societal problems and their solutions. At the same time it tries to contribute theoretical insights into the study of relations between minorities that are often seen or identify as ethno-religious groups through the lens of Bourdieusian theories complemented by social identity theory, emotion management theories and in comparison to empirical studies on Jewish-Muslim relations.
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Link to download in university repository, Jewish-Muslim relations in Amsterdam: Cooperation and tension in times of turmoil
Bibliographic Information
Jewish-Muslim relations in Amsterdam: Cooperation and tension in times of turmoil. . 2020: