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The Club of Senior Citizens who Survived the Holocaust: A Case Study from Slovakia


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This paper chronicles the process of how an informal group of Holocaust survivors in Bratislava organized into a senior citizens club that gradually evolved into a source of civic activism directed at the majority of society. Based on qualitative research: repeated interviews with survivors in Bratislava about their experiences of the Holocaust and the Communist era, which the author has carried out from 1995 to the present. It also draws on other data acquired during discussions at the Senior Citizens Club (2005–2017) and active observations of the survivors as civic activists engaged in public discourse and educational events for the youth in 2006–2019.



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Link to article including link to pdf, The Club of Senior Citizens who Survived the Holocaust: A Case Study from Slovakia

Bibliographic Information

Vrzgulová, Monika The Club of Senior Citizens who Survived the Holocaust: A Case Study from Slovakia. Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe. 2021:  https://archive.jpr.org.uk/object-2367