Ukrainian localities meet Jewish guests: negotiation of Jewish heritage and ethnic tourism in the former Pale of Settlement
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In the late Soviet time activists of the Jewish ethnic revival movement began a dialogue with local communities in the former Pale of Settlement in Ukraine about Jewish heritage. Nowadays many localities take into account Jewish heritage as a resource to attract visitors, first of all researchers of Jewish tradition, Hasidic pilgrims and people of local origin who emigrated abroad. It could be a foundation for the development of tourism. However, communities use different discursive strategies concerning Jewish heritage and the article examines three of them. The central topic of such discourses is the relationship between host and visitors, and how it produces different attitudes to tourism and different degrees of involvement with it. Tourism here serves as a metaphor to examine how localities experience processes of globalisation.
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Link to article (paywalled), Ukrainian localities meet Jewish guests: negotiation of Jewish heritage and ethnic tourism in the former Pale of Settlement
Bibliographic Information
Ukrainian localities meet Jewish guests: negotiation of Jewish heritage and ethnic tourism in the former Pale of Settlement. 2011: