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Meeting the Challenge: The Jewish schooling phenomenon in the UK 


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The development of a Jewish schooling system in the UK has reflected sociological, political and historical situations spanning four centuries. In recent years there has been a dramatic increase in the proportions of Jewish children receiving full time Jewish education. The causes of this change, and its impact on both the Jewish and wider community will be considered in this article, which seeks, within a historical framework, to understand the factors which have led to a resurgence of commitment to Jewish schooling in the past 25 years. The unique relationship of Jewish schooling to the State as it exists in the UK will also be explored as a means of contextualising the Jewish school system within a state denominational system. 



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Meeting the Challenge: The Jewish schooling phenomenon in the UK

Bibliographic Information

Miller, Helena Meeting the Challenge: The Jewish schooling phenomenon in the UK . Oxford Review of Education. 2001:  501-513.  https://archive.jpr.org.uk/object-uk97