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Residential Patterns and Processes: A Study of Jews in Three London Boroughs


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This paper examines the concentration and separation of ethnic groups using the contemporary example of Jews in the three Greater London boroughs of Hackney, Redbridge, and Barnet. The high Index of Dissimilarity, measured at the borough scale, of this well-established population, compared with the general population, raises issues concerning the scale of analysis and time-period of study of residential patterns and processes. Rather than observe the ethnic group from the viewpoint of overall society, it is suggested that emphasis be placed on the ethnic settlement pattern from the internal perspective of the ethnic group itself. Commonly used measures such as the Indices of Dissimilarity, Segregation and Isolation fail to explain adequately the degree of spatial cohesion of the group and how the group perceives this cohesion. Ethnic Intensity scores and indices are proposed in order to bring these issues to light. It is suggested that congregation rather than segregation is a better descriptor of the current dominant residential process of this particular population. However, a better understanding of the dynamics of ethnic residential processes can come about only through local field studies stressing questions of a distinctly spatial nature.



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Residential Patterns and Processes: A Study of Jews in Three London Boroughs

Bibliographic Information

Waterman, Stanley, Kosmin, Barry Residential Patterns and Processes: A Study of Jews in Three London Boroughs. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers. 1988: 79-95.  https://archive.jpr.org.uk/object-uk333