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The Attachment of European Jews to Israel: The British Perspective


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The attachment of Diaspora Jews to Israel can no longer be taken for granted. In recent years, there has been a radical shift from a community-wide consensus concerning attachment to Israel, which was probably as secular as it was religious, to a more narrowly based attachment linked to religiosity and to personal experience. At the same time, there is declining support for Israel-oriented charities. In the future, Israel will increasingly appeal more to Traditional and Orthodox Jews than to other members of the Jewish community, and Zionism as an ideology will become increasingly irrelevant. In Journal of Jewish Communal Service, v.74 no.2, Winter 1997.



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Lerman, Antony, Kosmin, Barry, Goldberg, Jacqueline The Attachment of European Jews to Israel: The British Perspective. Jewish Journal of Communal Service. 1997: 108-111.  https://archive.jpr.org.uk/object-uk330