Strengthening Jewish Identity: What works? An analysis of Jewish students in the UK
September 2014
JPR's 2011 survey of Jewish students generated a large and extremely valuable dataset about the Jewish identity of young adults. It was rendered all the more significant because the particular cohort of students investigated were those who had grown up in the era of Jewish continuity and renewal, and the heavy investment in Jewish education that accompanied it.
Using advanced statistical methods, the study both deconstructs the concept of Jewish identity into six specific dimensions, and measures the independent effects of different educational programmes on each of these dimensions.
Using advanced statistical methods, the study both deconstructs the concept of Jewish identity into six specific dimensions, and measures the independent effects of different educational programmes on each of these dimensions.
Jewish Schools Jewish Education Chedarim / Supplementary Schools Jewish Identity Main Topic: Education Jewish Continuity Statistics
Strengthening Jewish Identity: What works? An analysis of Jewish students in the UK. . September 2014: