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Generation of a Tourism Product: Jewish Heritage Tourism In Spain


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This paper aims to study the supply side of an emerging new tourism attraction. Specifically, the research focuses on the transformation of Jewish heritage to a unique tourism product. Actual objectives are to assess the physical elements composing the Jewish heritage product and to examine their diversity in a sample of twenty Spanish towns and cities, members of Red de Juderias de Espanã organization. Affiliation with a central actor raised the question to what extent different localities are affected by the central guidelines so as to generate a homogeneous product of a repetitive nature. A survey of all artifacts related to Jewish heritage tourism in these cities provided the data for the assessment. The results shed light on the process of converting abstract heritage to a tangible tourism product. The Jewish heritage product embraces a set of specific elements listed in descending order of their appearance: Jewish quarter, Jewish museum, a synagogue, a local Jewish persona, ot...



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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

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Link to article including link to pdf, Generation of a Tourism Product: Jewish Heritage Tourism In Spain
PDF (via academia.edu), Generation of a Tourism Product: Jewish Heritage Tourism In Spain

Bibliographic Information

Krakover, Shaul Generation of a Tourism Product: Jewish Heritage Tourism In Spain. Enlightening Tourism: A Pathmaking Journal. 2013: 142-168.  https://archive.jpr.org.uk/object-spa31