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An Overview of the Law on Rehabilitation from the Point of View of the Holocaust Victims and other Victims of Nazi Terror

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Pregled Zakona o rehabilitaciji iz perspektive žrtava Holokausta i drugih žrtava nacističkog terora


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Law on Property Restitution and Compensation stipulates that its provisions apply to confiscated property provided that the owner of that property is rehabilitated. In this case, the request for the return of property must be accompanied by a court decision on the rehabilitation or proof that the application for rehabilitation was submitted. The first Serbian Rehabilitation Act was passed in 2006. According to the Law on Rehabilitation, from December 2011, persons who have been deprived of a right (to life, to freedom of movement, to property...) because of political activism, ideological or religious beliefs and national origin before the entry into force of this Act can be rehabilitated. However, the question is how the provisions of this law are applied to the victims of the Holocaust and other victims of Nazi terror. Does this law take into account the victims, does it provide any satisfaction to the victims of the Holocaust and other victims of the occupiers and various quisling formations? What consequences the
implementation of the Rehabilitation Act may have on the property rights of persons who, in the course of World War II, acquired property that was previously forcibly taken away (factual and legal violence) from their
rightful owners? What consequences the implementation of this law may have on the rights of the victims of the Holocaust and their heirs and what consequences the implementation of this law may have on the rights of the
victims of the Holocaust who have no heirs?

Translated Abstract

Zakonom o vraćanju oduzete imovine i obeštećenju propisano je da se njegove odredbe primenjuju i na konfi skovanu imovinu pod uslovom da je vlasnik te imovine rehabilitovan. U tom slučaju se uz zahtev za vraćanje imovine obavezno prilaže i sudska odluka o rehabilitaciji ili dokaz da je podnet zahtev za rehabilitaciju. Prvi srpski Zakon o rehabilitaciji donet je 2006. godine. Prema važećem Zakonu o rehabilitaciji, iz decembra 2011. godine, mogu se rehabilitovati lica koja su lišena nekog prava (na život, na slobodu kretanja, na imovinu...) zbog političkog delovanja, ideološkog uverenja ili verske i nacionalne pripadnosti, do stupanja na snagu ovog zakona. Međutim, postavlja se pitanje kako se odredbe ovog zakona postavljaju prema pravima žrtava Holokausta i drugih žrtava nacističkog terora. Da li ovaj zakon ima u vidu žrtve, da li pruža bilo kakvu satisfakciju žrtvama Holokausta i drugim žrtvama okupatora i različitih kvislinških formacija? Kakve posledice primena Zakona o rehabilitaciji
može imati na imovinska prava lica koja su u toku Drugog svetskog rata stekla imovinu koja je, prethodno, prinudno oduzeta (faktičkim i pravnim nasiljem) od svojih zakonitih vlasnika? Kakve posledice primena ovog zakona može imati na prava žrtava Holokausta i njihovih naslednika i kakve posledice primena ovog zakona može imati na prava žrtava Holokausta koja nemaju naslednike?



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Bibliographic Information

Lazić, Radovan An Overview of the Law on Rehabilitation from the Point of View of the Holocaust Victims and other Victims of Nazi Terror. Limes Plus Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities. 2015: 113-122.  https://archive.jpr.org.uk/object-ser9
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