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Restitution as the Legal Vacuum in the System of Law

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Pravna praznina u procesu restitucije


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One of the clear examples of the existence of legal gaps in the legislation of the Republic of Serbia is the problem of restitution of property of Holocaust victims, which is shown as a separate problem that remains unregulated. The academic community of experts deserves serious scientific criticism for tolerating legal gaps in the legal system. Criminological phenomena of hate crime and hate speech which in the past resulted in the adoption of racial laws, civil rights and confi scation of property and physical liquidation – Holocaust –are such unique instances of evil that they exceede the limits of one life span and affect generations to come, unprepared to deal with them due to the unwillingness of our generation to act preventively regulating social relations based on modern principles and standards in order to prevent recurrence of the past. This is considered to be the essential (symbolic) inadequacy of the security systems from the perspective of knowledge management and diplomacy. Wrong attitude of the academic community towards the problem of increasing the capacity within the security system to protect the public interest and towards the reform of the security system can be critically assessed through present profiling of the security community outside of executive power – in the judiciary, in the status of law enforcement agencies, although the nature of their work and the principle of secrecy is incompatible with the principle of transparency in the work of law enforcement agencies. Unfortunately, it is likely that all these problems will be crashing down on the future generations.

Translated Abstract

Jedan od jasnih primera postojanja pravne praznine unutar zakonodavstva Republike Srbije jeste problem povraćaja imovine žrtava Holokausta, koji je kao posebno iskazan problem ostao neregulisan. Akademska zajednica stručnjaka zaslužuje ozbiljnu naučnu kritiku zbog tolerisanja pravnih praznina u pravnom sistemu. Kriminološki fenomeni kriminaliteta mržnje i govora mržnje koji su u prošlosti rezultirali donošenjem rasnih zakona, oduzimanjem građanskih prava i imovine i fi zičke likvidacije – Holokausta –takvi su da predstavljaju jedinstvene slučajeve pojave takvog Zla da prevazlaze ljudski vek, pogađaju naraštaje koje dolaze, nespremne da se sa tim suoče zbog nespremnosti naše generacije da preventivno delujemo regulišući društvene odnose na temelju modernih principa i standarda radi sprečavanja recidiva prošlosti. Ovo se smatra suštinskom (simboličkom) nedovoljnošću kapaciteta sistema bezbednosti sa stanovišta upravljanja znanjem i diplomatije znanja. Pogrešan odnos akademske zajednice prema problemu proširenja kapaciteta sistema bezbednosti u sklopu zaštite javnog interesa i reforme sistema bezbednosti može se kritički oceniti kroz sadašnje profi lisanje bezbednosne zajednice izvan izvršne vlasti – u pravosuđe, u statusu agencija za sprovođenje zakona iako je priroda njihovog rada i načelo tajnosti u radu nespojivo sa principom javnosti u radu agencija za sprovođenje zakona. Nažalost, raste i verovatnoća da se ova hipoteka prošlosti obruši na buduće generacije, ali koje pravosuđe neće moći da zaštiti mudrošću, pošto će sve sudije otići u penziju sa 65 godina starosti zbog jednog diskriminatorskog zakona u odnosu na stara lica. Da li je zakon donet da liši državu mogućnosti da dostigne nivo stabilnosti razvijenih zemalja koje svoj razvoj duguju, između svega ostalog, konzervativnom pravosuđu?



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Bibliographic Information

Krstić, Jovan Restitution as the Legal Vacuum in the System of Law. Limes Plus Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities. 2015: 123-139.  https://archive.jpr.org.uk/object-ser10
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