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The Radegast Station Holocaust Monument - Its History, Contemporary Function and Perception in the Eyes of Tourists and Lodz Inhabitants


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The article presents the problems of the Lodz Ghetto organized by the Germans during World War II and the role of the ghetto railway station - called Radegast Station. The author also describes the contemporary function of the station, paying particular attention to the initiative of the local authorities, which led to building a monument within its premises, commemorating the Holocaust of the Lodz Jewish population. Following that, the author presents the results of a survey conducted in the monument area in 2007, which allowed the local authorities' activity and its indirect influence on the image of Lodz to be assessed.



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Bibliographic Information

Cudny, Waldemar The Radegast Station Holocaust Monument - Its History, Contemporary Function and Perception in the Eyes of Tourists and Lodz Inhabitants. Bulletin of Geography. Socio-economic Series. 2008: 97-106.  https://archive.jpr.org.uk/10.2478/v10089-008-0008-4