The Jewish Revival in Moldova (A Survey of the Jewish Life in Moldova in the 1990-2000)
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The article reveals several aspects, unknown before, of the Jewish life in Moldova in the 1990–2000s. Based on the records and personal observations, the author of the article proves that the Jewish renaissance took place
in Moldova in the 1990–2000s. he author presents evidence in favor of good prospects of the Jewish community
in Moldova: the state policy which allowed creating cultural national autonomies, the activity of CHABAD,
support of the community life provided by the local small businessmen, as well as the use of Yiddish.
in Moldova in the 1990–2000s. he author presents evidence in favor of good prospects of the Jewish community
in Moldova: the state policy which allowed creating cultural national autonomies, the activity of CHABAD,
support of the community life provided by the local small businessmen, as well as the use of Yiddish.
Geographic Coverage
Copyright Info
Creative Commons Licencse Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
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Bibliographic Information
The Jewish Revival in Moldova (A Survey of the Jewish Life in Moldova in the 1990-2000). 2014: 58-66.