The Jewish Journal of Sociology Volume 22 Number 2
Publication Name
Publication Date
Some Socio-legal Aspects of the Kibbutz by Hyman Tarlo 103
Selig Brodetsky and the Ascendancy of Zionism in Anglo-Jewry (1939-1945) by Gideon Shimoni 125
A Population Policy for Israel? (Review Article) by Roberto Bachi 163
Rejoinder by Dov Friedlander and Calvin Goldscheider 18o
The Jews of Boro Park (Review Article) by Erich Rosenthal 187
Jacob Talmon, 1916-1980 Ephraim E. Urbach 193
Book Reviews 195
Chronicle 219
Books Received 223
Notes on Contributors 225
Some Socio-legal Aspects of the Kibbutz by Hyman Tarlo 103
Selig Brodetsky and the Ascendancy of Zionism in Anglo-Jewry (1939-1945) by Gideon Shimoni 125
A Population Policy for Israel? (Review Article) by Roberto Bachi 163
Rejoinder by Dov Friedlander and Calvin Goldscheider 18o
The Jews of Boro Park (Review Article) by Erich Rosenthal 187
Jacob Talmon, 1916-1980 Ephraim E. Urbach 193
Book Reviews 195
Chronicle 219
Books Received 223
Notes on Contributors 225
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