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Mixed Marriage and Post-Soviet Aliyah


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This paper is a study of the incidence of mixed marriage in the Former Soviet Union (FSU) and the role of demographic peculiarities of the Jewish marriage market in the spread of mixed marriage. Special attention was paid to the offspring of mixed couples and their ethnic affiliation. The relatively high proportion of non-Jews in the migration movement to Israel (aliyah) from the FSU as a consequence of mixed marriage was also examined.



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Paper presented at the round-table discussion on intermarriage (marriage between Jews and non-Jews) at Brandeis University, 17-18 December 2003 [Revised as of 26 July 2005]


PDF (via academia.edu), Mixed Marriage and Post-Soviet Aliyah

Bibliographic Information

Tolts, Mark Mixed Marriage and Post-Soviet Aliyah. 2005:  https://archive.jpr.org.uk/object-fsu90