Demographic Trends among the Jews of the Former Soviet Union
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This analysis has revealed the important role of the negative vital balance in Jewish demographic decline in the Russian Federation and the FSU as a whole (see Tables 5 and 6). At the same time, the birth dynamics show that the Jews and their relatives who emigrated to Israel escaped the dramatic fertility reduction which was characteristic of the FSU population as a whole and the Jews in particula
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Paper presented at the International Conference in Honor of Professor Mordechai Altshuler on Soviet and Post-Soviet Jewry (Jerusalem, December 28-30, 2003); German translation published in: Menora: Jahrbuch für deutsch-jüdische Geschichte 2004. Band 15. Berlin/Wien: Philo, 2005, pp. 15-44.
Bibliographic Information
Demographic Trends among the Jews of the Former Soviet Union. 2003: