Trouble dans la judéité. Mariages mixtes, conversions et frontières de l'identité juive
Jewish Trouble. Mixed Marriages, Conversions and Boundaries of Jewish Identity
On interprète habituellement la méfiance du judaïsme vis-à-vis des conversions comme la surdétermination du principe de filiation dans la définition et la transmission de l’identité juive. Le propos de cet article est de montrer qu’au contraire les politiques de conversion restrictives se font au nom d’une politique de la sainteté qui conduit à lier l’appartenance au strict respect de la loi, reléguant la filiation au second plan. Inversement, les politiques plus inclusives seraient justifiées par la volonté de clarifier les frontières de l’identité dans un contexte d’augmentation du nombre des mariages mixtes et d’éloignement progressif de la pratique religieuse, quitte à négocier sur les principes religieux.
Jewish suspicion towards conversions is usually interpreted as the emphasis on filiation in the definition and in the transmission of Jewish identity.
On the contrary, this article attempts to demonstrate that restrictive politics of conversion are conducted in the name of a “politics of sanctity” that lends itself to a linkage of Jewishness with the strict observance of the Jewish Law and to relegate filiation to a position of secondary importance.
Conversely, the more inclusive conversion politics would be justified by the intention to clarify Jewish boundaries in the double context of the growing number of intermarriages and progressive disinvolvement with Jewish observance.
On the contrary, this article attempts to demonstrate that restrictive politics of conversion are conducted in the name of a “politics of sanctity” that lends itself to a linkage of Jewishness with the strict observance of the Jewish Law and to relegate filiation to a position of secondary importance.
Conversely, the more inclusive conversion politics would be justified by the intention to clarify Jewish boundaries in the double context of the growing number of intermarriages and progressive disinvolvement with Jewish observance.
Link to article including link to pdf, Trouble dans la judéité. Mariages mixtes, conversions et frontières de l'identité juive
Link to article including link to pdf, Jewish Trouble. Mixed Marriages, Conversions and Boundaries of Jewish Identity
Link to article including link to pdf, Jewish Trouble. Mixed Marriages, Conversions and Boundaries of Jewish Identity
Trouble dans la judéité. Mariages mixtes, conversions et frontières de l'identité juive. 2013: 591-599.