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Reconstructing Jewish Identity in Croatia: Towards a Refined Symbolic Ethnicity


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This paper has two aims. To begin, it examines whether the symbolic ethnicitymodel is relevant to identity negotiationamong Croatian Jews. In symbolicethnicity, individuals are not so muchinterested in the maintenance of traditional lifestyles as they are with choosing how toexpress cultural identity. In the past,scholars have either employed the model todiscuss identity negotiation among ethnicsin the United States and other coresocieties, or they have dismissed it altogether. The second aim describes theexisting tension between the self-images of the Croatian Jews and those projected onthem by others. Both Croatian “cultural diversity campaigns” and international Jewish support organizations consider Jewish identity to have an essentiallyreligious core. Programs sponsored bythese constituencies have constructed pronounced cultural differences betweenCroatian Jews and non-Jewish Croatians



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PDF (via academia.edu), Reconstructing Jewish Identity in Croatia: Towards a Refined Symbolic Ethnicity

Bibliographic Information

Hofman, Nila Ginger Reconstructing Jewish Identity in Croatia: Towards a Refined Symbolic Ethnicity. The Anthropology of East Europe Review. 2001: 5-20.  https://archive.jpr.org.uk/object-cro12