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Gender, Power and Conversion in the Everyday Lives of New Jewish Women in the Netherlands


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This article analyses the experiences of Dutch women who became Jewish via a giyur process. While the past decade has seen an increased interest in the ethnographic study of women’s conversion, little is known about the process of giyur from a gender and everyday perspective, which is what this article focuses on. This is based on ethnographic research and interviews with 20 (Orthodox and non-Orthodox) converts. The main focus of this article is on the negotiations of gender and power in the process of giyur. The role of gender difference seemed to be one of the most important experienced differences between Orthodox and Liberal/Progressive forms of Jewish life. Not only is there an impact in the decision to join one or another community, but notions of gender and sexuality also influence the whole process of giyur, from first attraction to continued learning, implementation, and practicing of a “Jewish life.” Women have to deal with the power of the rabbinic court, who eventually can decide whether a candidate is allowed to become Jewish. However, questions of authority and individual choice played a role in different gendered areas as well: the position of women in the synagogue, reflections on the impact of relationships and the implementation of certain commandments in their everyday lives. Analysing these dynamics offers insight into the intersections of gender, power and conversion, as well as the role of gender in contemporary Jewry.



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Link to article (paywalled), Gender, Power and Conversion in the Everyday Lives of New Jewish Women in the Netherlands

Bibliographic Information

Schrijvers, Lieke L. Gender, Power and Conversion in the Everyday Lives of New Jewish Women in the Netherlands. Contemporary Jewry. 2023:  https://archive.jpr.org.uk/10.1007/s12397-023-09525-7