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Lived multidirectionality: "Historikerstreit 2.0" and the politics of Holocaust memory


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This essay assesses the acrimonious debates about Holocaust memory that took place in Germany in 2020-2021 and that have come to be known as Historikerstreit 2.0. These debates call up older controversies, especially the 1986 Historikerstreit (Historians' Debate) in which Jürgen Habermas took on conservative historians who sought to relativize the Nazi genocide. The Historikerstreit concerned the relation between Nazi and Stalinist crimes and the question of German responsibility for the Holocaust; today's controversies involve instead the relation between colonialism and the Holocaust and racism and antisemitism as well as the ongoing crisis in Israel/Palestine. As the current debates reveal, the dominant Holocaust memory regime in Germany is based on an absolutist understanding of the Holocaust's uniqueness and a rejection of multidirectional approaches to the genocide. While that memory regime represented a major societal accomplishment of the 1980s and 1990s, it has reached its limits in Germany's "postmigrant" present. Yet, as an example of migrant engagement with the Holocaust illustrates, German society already includes alternative practices of memory that could transform the German model of coming to terms with the past in productive ways.



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Bibliographic Information

Rothberg, Michael Lived multidirectionality: "Historikerstreit 2.0" and the politics of Holocaust memory. Memory Studies. 2022: 1316–1329.  https://archive.jpr.org.uk/10.1177/17506980221133511