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Musées et musées-mémoriaux urbains consacrés à la Shoah : mémoires douloureuses et ancrages géographiques. Les cas de Berlin, Budapest, Jérusalem, Los Angeles, Montréal, New York, Paris, Washington.

Translated Title

Urban museums and memorials dedicated to the Shoah: painful memories and geographic roots. The cases of Berlin, Budapest, Jerusalem, Los Angeles, Montreal, New York, Paris, Washington.


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Through the examples of the main urban museums and memorials worldwide, this work scrutinizes several issues elicited by the memorial policy of the Shoah (in the realms of urban planning, tourism, geopolitics, or pedagogy). Indeed, each of those museums or memorials is part of a process involving political, territorial as well as identity-related stakes. Thus, they insert the cities where they are built in within the worldwide network of the memory of the Shoah.



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Link to download in university repository, Musées et musées-mémoriaux urbains consacrés à la Shoah : mémoires douloureuses et ancrages géographiques. Les cas de Berlin, Budapest, Jérusalem, Los Angeles, Montréal, New York, Paris, Washington.

Bibliographic Information

Chevalier, Dominique Musées et musées-mémoriaux urbains consacrés à la Shoah : mémoires douloureuses et ancrages géographiques. Les cas de Berlin, Budapest, Jérusalem, Los Angeles, Montréal, New York, Paris, Washington.. Université Panthéon-Sorbonne. 2013:  https://archive.jpr.org.uk/object-2441