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The Serbian Jewish Restitution Law and its implementation: Challenges and lessons


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The case of restitution of the Jewish property in Serbia is very important as the Republic of Serbia was the first state to fully endorse the Terezin declaration and also pass a comprehensive legislation that covered all aspects of the Jewish restitution. The entire process of the passing of the Law were unique as they represented combined effort of the institutions and even more individuals who were not necessarily Jews. The implementation of the Law had few phases and could also be linked with the process of the historical revisionism. Also, this process was happening for the first time in Europe and its success was, and still is, important for all other former socialist states that still haven’t passed similar laws. The foundation of the Supervisory Board and its actions were critical in the positive development of the implementation, but still internal fights within the Jewish community in Serbia and their outcome could endanger the process. Paper will also stress the importance of the World Jewish Restitution Organization involvement in the process of restitution and its implementation.



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Bibliographic Information

Dajč, Haris The Serbian Jewish Restitution Law and its implementation: Challenges and lessons. Limes Plus Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities. 2018: 165-176.  https://archive.jpr.org.uk/object-2422