A synagogue, a well, a mikveh and a stele: ethnographic notes on Bragança´s Jewish heritage
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This article analyzes some of the data collected during an anthropological research carried out among Jews, crypto-Jews and their descendants from Bragança, Portugal. In view of the growing interest in the Jewish heritage in the country, Bragança has also revived its Jewish legacy and is decorated with new Jewish cultural spaces in recent years. The study describes what were the authenticity and significance premises set by the official agents involved in this construction and also the Brigantines´ role and perceptions in the process, reflecting on the ‘engaging heritage’ notion considering four local sites.
Geographic Coverage
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Page Number / Article Number
Introduction: Jewish cultural heritage, space and mobility in Spain, Portugal and North Africa (Introduction to special issue)
Imagining a sonic al-Andalus through sound, bones, and blood: the case of Jewish music in Morocco and Spain (Part of same special issue)
Representing Hispano-Jewish and Sephardic material culture in Spain (Part of same special issue)
Imagining a sonic al-Andalus through sound, bones, and blood: the case of Jewish music in Morocco and Spain (Part of same special issue)
Representing Hispano-Jewish and Sephardic material culture in Spain (Part of same special issue)
Link to article (paywalled), A synagogue, a well, a mikveh and a stele: ethnographic notes on Bragança´s Jewish heritage
Bibliographic Information
A synagogue, a well, a mikveh and a stele: ethnographic notes on Bragança´s Jewish heritage. 2021: 317-335. https://archive.jpr.org.uk/10.1080/1462169X.2021.1991286