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Plaid Cymru Review into Antisemitism


Publication Date

March 2021



Plaid Cymru is committed to being a safe space for Jews and to playing our part in ensuring
that Jews are safe in Wales and the United Kingdom. This commitment is enshrined in the
Party’s Antisemitism Statement.
The Leadership of the Party is determined that the Antisemitism Statement be incorporated
into the Party’s policies, procedures, structures and culture. To this end, and following
discussion with the Board of Deputies of British Jews regarding a number of antisemitism
complaints made against Party members and representatives over the last two years, the
Leader commissioned a review by the Leader of the Westminster Parliamentary Group.



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Bibliographic Information

Saville Roberts, Liz Plaid Cymru Review into Antisemitism. Plaid Cymru. March 2021:  https://archive.jpr.org.uk/object-1786