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"Weiß er nicht, dass sie ihn umbringen werden?" Frankreichs islamischer Antisemitismus


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France is home to both the largest Muslim and the largest Jewish community in Europe. About 60% of the Jews and almost all the Muslims came from North Africa to France after 1945. After a brief look at the history of Muslim-Jewish relations, the paper looks at the current situation of antisemitism in France. Contrary to common assumptions violent, even murderous attacks on Jews and Jewish institutions in France are almost entirely the work of Arab Muslim immigrants. The history of this violence goes back to the 1980s. The Jewish reaction is emigration. Many leave the country, even more move to other parts of town to neighbourhoods with fewer Muslims. The public reaction is often denial and silence, not so much about the acts as such but about the Muslim nature of the problem.



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Bibliographic Information

Funkschmidt, Kai "Weiß er nicht, dass sie ihn umbringen werden?" Frankreichs islamischer Antisemitismus. Materialdienst der Evangelischen Zentralstelle für Weltanschauungsfragen. 2016: 43-53.  https://archive.jpr.org.uk/object-1201