United Germany and Jewish concerns : attitudes toward Jews, Israel, and the Holocaust
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Describes and gives results of an opinion poll conducted by the American Jewish Committee, working with D3 Systems, a U.S. opinion-research organization, and the Emnid Institute, a similar organization in Germany (both West and East) in October 1990. The questionnaires included questions concerning the memory of the Holocaust, special relations between Germany and Israel, Jewish influence in the world, Zionism, and the danger of antisemitism in contemporary Germany. Results showed that disturbingly high percentages of the population exhibited negative attitudes toward Jews, Israel, and remembrance of the Holocaust. (From the Bibliography of the Vidal Sassoon International Center for the Study of Antisemitism)
Antisemitism Attitudes to Israel Attitudes to Jews Holocaust Main Topic: Antisemitism Surveys Post-1989 Antisemitism: Attitude Surveys
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Bibliographic Information
United Germany and Jewish concerns : attitudes toward Jews, Israel, and the Holocaust. . 1991: https://archive.jpr.org.uk/object-1147