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Mapping Jewish culture in Europe today: A pilot project


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Some time ago, the Institute for Jewish Policy Research published a report entitled Cultural Politics and European Jewry (Waterman 1999). That report formed the basis of discussion at a seminar in Paris in February 1999, entitled 'Jewish Culture for the Twenty-first Century', convened jointly by JPR and the Alliance Israelite Universelle. That meeting provided a stimulus for the creation of both the European Association for Jewish Culture in 2001 and the project presented here on 'mapping' the extent of the Jewish cultural renaissance in Europe. The four countries selected for this study: Italy, Poland, Belgium and Sweden.



Geographic Coverage

Europe   Italy   Poland   Belgium   Sweden

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Original Language


Bibliographic Information

Schischa, Rebecca, Berenstein, Dina Mapping Jewish culture in Europe today: A pilot project. Institute for Jewish Policy Research. 2002:  https://archive.jpr.org.uk/object-eur46